23,968 Applications For 753 Section Officer (Contract) Jobs

government-job Notice

Altogether 23,968 candidates have applied for the post of section officer (One Year Contract) at the Prime Minister Employment Programme. The government posted a vacancy for 753 posts for all over Nepal. Among those applicants, only 753 eligible candidates will be hiring for the aforementioned post based in different local levels across the country.

As per the Ministry of Labour, Employment, and Social Security following no. of candidates filed for applications 

Province no.1 -3665 Applications

Province no.2 – 3671  Applications

Province no.3 – 4994 Applications

Province no.4 (Gandaki Province) -1955 Applications

Province no.5 – 2301 Applications

Province no.6 (Karnali Province) – 3378 Applications

Province no.7 (Far-west Province) -4004 Applications

5806 Applicants did not verify their email address. The selection process will be held by the automatic computing process and published the selected candidate name according to their qualification ranking. The final selection notice will be updated on the official website of the Prime Minister Employment Programme 28 of Magh 2075 (February 08, 2019).

Notice from government of Nepal