Nepal Police Salary Range 2076 From IGP to Lower Level


The government of Nepal had decided to increase the salary range of government employees in the fiscal year 2076/77. The minister of the council has already passed the proposed salary structure of the employees.

With this decision, now the government servants will get an increased salary from all sector employees. This decision is effective from Shrawan 1, 2076.

Ths highest net salary is 64,726 of Inspector General of Police (IGP) having the lowest salary of followers with the number of 25,970.

The following Table is the salary table of the Nepal police ranging from IGP to the Followers.

1 Inspector General of Police (IGP)64,726
2Additional Inspector General of Police (AIGP)64726,
3Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP)56,100
4Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP)53,696
5Superintendent of Police (SP)50,705
6Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP)47,110
7Police Inspector45,590
8 Sub Inspector of Police
9Assistant Sub Inspector of Police32,772
10Police Head Constable27,148
11Police Constable26,192
12Recruit 19,480

Official table of the Nepali Police Salary 2076 in the fiscal year 2076/77.

Nepal Police Salary Range

About Nepal Police

The police of Nepal is responsible for maintaining law and order and prevention of crime according to the constitution of Nepal and is under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Sarbendra Khanal is the current IGP of Nepal Police.

Nepal Army Salary Range 2076 (From Recruit to Army Chief)


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